Humans, The Moral Responsibility!

For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.
– Martin Luther King

We are humans, we live in this planet, we call “Earth”, so earth is our home, the place where we seek shelter, the place where our hunger gets met through everything this planet provides day in and out, here we get our thirst met when our throats are parched due to acute need of our designs made by almighty, here we get drenched under the soft petal like drops showered from the heavens of beauty, here we have the winds that calm our bodies when it gets dry and boils up like bare feet on the desert, here we have warmth of sun that gets filtered through ozone layer, basically natures way to protect us, peasant humans, when we feel cold, or we simply need to enjoy a fresh warm day, here we have the soothing feeling of cold waves on our bodies when we have tasted the bitterness of sun, when it’s at its peak and has shown us the semi-wrath of its power. It’s all here, all, in planet earth, the lonely planet, the one known in the universe, to have life!

Some million years ago, long before we humans came into existence, the planet looked greener, it looked as if it had life in it, felt like it could breathe freely and could provide the extra amount of fresh air for the species who already had abundance of freshness available on this beautiful life oriented planet. Then came us humans, earlier all went well, till the time the very curious and otherwise yet to discover power of our brains, started to play their part into natures ways and to convert and make it work for human benefits and convenience. Soon the planet earth which belonged to its animals and its luscious plush green plantation, started to get dominated by the ungrateful humans, the ones who came way later than the original predecessor and the rightful owner of this land. Lets face it, we have manipulated nature and its beauty only to succumb it to our demands and more importantly our greed.

Today, we blame sun’s enormous heat, killing us, today we blame rains not showering its blessings on us on time, today we blame the winters that are no longer beautiful as they are unable to give us the required cool chill we expect, today we blame we have health issues due to bad weather and climatic conditions, we blame we can’t see through the mist of dust while driving on a road, we blame we are unable to get quality vegetables to eat, we are unable to find good quality fish, we are unable to get enough water to meet our thirst, we blame untimely rains destroying our crops, we start panicking and start blaming god when we experience tremors shaking the very confidence from us, when we are unable to swim in clean waters in beautiful seas, that once existed, and so many other things. What do we do? We simply blame!

All this has not been not put upon us by mother nature, all these have been called upon, by us. None of us has the right to blame our mother nature for acting unusual. We, Us, have done things to bring upon her wrath on us. Hell, we can’t even switch off our car engines at Traffic lights for a minute, although we can see large digitised numerical telling us when exactly it will be green, so we can start back on our engines. But, no we wont, because, we can’t sit inside the car without A/C, sweating for just about a minute. The pollution we create, the mess we leave behind at almost all the places, the demand for global economy, and the constant pressure to keep it high, the need for developing roads, the need for creating more and more shelter for the never stopping increase in the population, and all other such related needs, What are we getting our stakes high at? We are simply heading towards our own end. What we see is our immediate present but we don’t look at the future predicaments of what we are doing right now.

If we only know that life still can be beautiful, if only we treat our mother nature with love care and respect she deserves, we can forever reap the very benefits she has in store for us for the rest of our miserable lives. It all begins with “US”, It all begins with a simple will and a caring attitude towards our very own mother nature that provides us with literally everything day in and day out. Think about it.


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