
Showing posts from 2012

"Heartbreaks" Blessings In Disguise!

Once upon a time, love happened. Love happened to all of us. Almost all of us have been through this beautiful, absolute perfect feeling that God can bestow upon us. Love, probably has happened right from a tender age, has happened on the way leading life, or even when life was at the verge of ending its journey. Obviously depending on the various stages and circumstances life threw upon us. The point is, this love bee at one point of time has stung us all in our lives. It actually gives you the best of candid emotions your heart can toy with. It gives you the ride, the time of your life, brings out the best in you, and worst too. Love makes you feel good about almost everything around you, even if it's as common as your daily routine. It just gives you a feel that you just got your dearest of wishes come true, and even an atheist starts believing in god. As they say, with every good time, comes bad time. It's about phases of our life, like a good phase, like

"Apple Products, Does God Help You Create Them?"

It was anticipated for over a year now, or may be more than a year! No one knew, when and what will happen. Days passed, and along with it, passed time. Suddenly, amongst the midst of all anticipation that could have already sweated out the agony of waiting, all of a sudden there's a ray of hope! It's going to be "12th September". Now, as if there are no other days in the calendar before or after 12th of September, people, well most of them who are tech enthusiasts or sheer lovers of design and functionality, anxiously started counting days for 12th of September.  Are you wondering what am I talking about? Well, most of you must have got it, given the popularity of it, and for those of you who haven't yet, am talking about the APPLE EVENT. Am talking about the launch of iPhone 5 and other Apple products along with it. Reporters, Media enthusiasts, Gadget guru's, Grown men and women who couldn't have acted in a better way than

Smile! A Tear's Point Of View!

Smile, laughter, joy, and happiness. Aren't these beautiful words, beautiful feelings, and beautiful adjectives? We all want these blessings in our life, we all continuously wish for these to be present in us and like a guardian angel watch over us. I have always observed that these beautiful qualities have the capability to exist in all of us and we all have our different ways of expressing it. One thing that I have always thought of is the story behind these qualities we portray. The story behind those glittering smiles, how true those beautiful smiles on our faces, really are. How people are able to smile their way to glory, yet have loads of tear erupting inside them. This is a tough journey to figure out really. I mean how often do you see someone smiling in your circle, you would say most of the times, depending on the kind of people they are and there behavioral nature as well. Main thing is, how often do we really see the eyes of that person

I Love You, As A Friend, And More..

It's always said that a “Thin Line” separates Love and Friendship. A famous proverb so is said and carried forward from a long time and passed on by generations to generations. Me, you and may around you and me, have been into situations or phases in life where we have fallen in love, made friends, and in the process of doing so, have heard that the other person whom we think of as our best friend, loves us, and the person whom we love and want in our lives, turns out to be having no feelings at all more than just a friend. I know you all can relate and agree to this statement because this has happened at certain point of time, if not yet, it will soon. So what is the big deal with the statement "We are just friends" and "I love you but as a friend" and "I have never looked at you in that sense, have always looked upon you as a friend" and similar common statements that, by the way, guys have the most of experience with! G


“Life”, and many complications and emotions that comes free with it. It’s made up with lot of things. Lot of people, lot of emotions, lot of complications, lot of hardships, lot of love, lot of care, lot of success, lot of failures and so on and so forth. What is common here? Its that one thing, that one emotion that makes us strong, that helps us go on, that helps us to stand up and keep walking. What is that emotion? Its simple, it’s called "Acceptance ." A pretty simple, yet extremely powerful word that fills our life with irony of a lot of definitions that builds up the tree of its definition. It’s like the core dogma of many religious beliefs too. Acceptance mainly in today's generation, deals in love and work. A lot of us want us to get accepted by our peers, we want to get accepted by the love of our life, which maybe one sided, yet we would want that person to accept us. It, also deals with the social stigma of being a part of the cul