
Showing posts from December, 2013

What Will People Say

Life as we all know it, keeps giving us harsh twists and realities that we are not ready to face! I fail to understand how life can always be so ready to pull us down. I guess it keeps forgetting, that we are not god and we really are not ready to face everything and still stand tall at all times.  Love, for example, is the sweet poison of life. You cant really live without it, and sometimes you really have nothing else but to be at the mercy of it. Humans, are after all, social animals, and they are always dependent on some or the other kind of togetherness and social beings. We are just not made to be alone, no matter how strong we think we are and no matter how much strong we want us to believe we are. But, does, the person you want to be with or love, necessarily become yours, always? I guess not. So Bam! The harsh reality hits you again! We fall in love, without really doing all the necessary checks, and like life, it does not come with instruction manuals. So half way t