Smile! A Tear's Point Of View!

Smile, laughter, joy, and happiness. Aren't these beautiful words, beautiful feelings, and beautiful adjectives? We all want these blessings in our life, we all continuously wish for these to be present in us and like a guardian angel watch over us. I have always observed that these beautiful qualities have the capability to exist in all of us and we all have our different ways of expressing it. One thing that I have always thought of is the story behind these qualities we portray. The story behind those glittering smiles, how true those beautiful smiles on our faces, really are. How people are able to smile their way to glory, yet have loads of tear erupting inside them.

This is a tough journey to figure out really. I mean how often do you see someone smiling in your circle, you would say most of the times, depending on the kind of people they are and there behavioral nature as well. Main thing is, how often do we really see the eyes of that person when smiling? I guess not always. Not all of us are keen observers. I on the other hand have this habit of observing a lot. I somehow feel that I can see the hidden pain the undisclosed agony behind those lovely smiles. I feel we all are so entangled in the pressure of the society and surroundings that we have to hide our true emotions. 

It sometimes, feels like, we have to tailor make our emotions to suit the needs of others. I have tasted tears a lot. I have been betrayed, I have went through the pain of agonizing heartbreak, I have dealt with insult and humiliation, many have laughed me off. Well, that all happened, but could I really show my tears to everyone? Not possible, now is it? I had to get up right back, turn myself away from those sorry things and when I met the next person, I had to wear a smile. I have always done that in my life. I believe we all have done this. It's toughest, when you are going through the worst time of your life, when every passing minute can only bring tears in your pupils, and all you have to do is control them because you have to deal with your everyday life as well, at the same time. 

I have seen street artists, I have seen street side sellers, I have seen older women, I have seen a divorced lady, I have seen a betrayed lover, I have seen a father who has lost his young son, I have seen a woman who could not have her own baby, I have seen a student who could not fulfill his and his parents dream, I have seen grandparents being sent to old age home by there very own children, I have seen a person who lost everything in shares, I have seen people who compromised there happiness to see there family fulfill there's. What did they all do? They had to wear a smile and made people in there presence feel as if they never went through these balloon filled with agonizing pain. How could they, if they would have, they would have not been able to survive. It's a cruel world out there, we have to be strong from outside, when we know there are countless things to plant that tree of unhappiness, given every chance it could get.

Yes, I laugh, I smile. I know you do too. Next Time, We know we have a story untold, when we see our near and dear ones laughing. Respect every smile and treasure every happy emotion, because Life as we know it, is more of happiness then tears and sadness.


  1. Such a sweet, simple, touchy article full of actuality. :)

    1. Thank you Sri.. I am glad you liked it and could connect with it :) thanks for reading :)

  2. Anyone reading this can relate to it instantly. Each and every aspects you mentioned here are true life incidents faced by most of us. Nicely written. :)

    1. Thank you Tanushree :) Am glad you could connect with the article :) Happy Reading :0


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